Hi mom, dad, and family. mom first i am going to answer your question.
What makes me happy? a lot of things make me happy. if I were to write it all, i could go on all day, but one thing here in the mission that makes me happy is when i see how the gospel changes the lives of those with the faith to act on what we teach them. like with G. she is the perfect example.
Did the elders put in a 3rd bed? yes the elders put a 3rd bed and a third everything in the house.
Did you ever watch Amazing Race - a reality show. They were in Asuncion last week. no I never watched the amazing race.
Did the youth talk about going to EFY? yes, about 10 youth from ñemby went to efy and loved it. the sunday after they all took a bit of time to talk about their experience. it is so great to have it here to strengthen the youth of the church. they are the future.
our trio companionship was awesome and had a lot of fun together that first week. but right now, they will be having fun without me because I am not there anymore. I got a call tuesday night at about 10pm from pres callan. he told me that the hermana that hna little was training was going back home to guatemala and that the next morning I would be going to barrio lambaré. ya. so i am with hna little again in lambaré. I am happy to work with her again because she is way awesome and we got along super bien the last time, but I did not want to leave ñemby. i didnt get to say goodbye to practically anyone. I called three people, the last being gloria, and I was so distraught that I couldn't call anyone else, besides it was way late. lets just say that I cried a lot. we were finding so many people and i was so excited for the people we were teaching and loving our companionship and the ward. we passed through some really rough times and were finally coming out of it, and then I am gone. I felt badly because I wasn’t too excited to come to lambaré. hna little is grateful to have me here to help here because the last week with this companion was really really rough for her. I am excited to work here, the ward is smaller, but the members seem really great, really good, quality people, I have just been missing everyone from ñemby a lot. G made me promise to never forget her, which i could never do. (this was one of Whitney's baptisms) she was crying a lot. especially now that I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone, I really hope it works out for mom and dad to come. it was all really sudden, and I find myself thinking how our investigators are progressing, but I am trying to go with it and dive into the work here. we are teaching a joven shabanna, who had been a bit scared to set a date for her baptism, but the hermanas had invited her to pray, and she put april 1, the sunday of conference for a baptism. we are really excited. hna little said that it has been a challenge to work with the members here, but we fasted with the bishop and the elders in the ward too for their help, and the bishop spoke in sacrament meeting about how much we need their help if we want to grow as a ward. the success of missionary work is minimal without the help of the members. the members here are great, so I know we will be able to get them excited to work with us. so that is the news of the week.
I am grateful for the help i am receiving from Heavenly Father these past few weeks. this change was hard for me, and I didnt want it, but I am trying really hard to be humble and to try and learn what Heavenly Father wants me to learn. sometimes it comes bit by bit and is too hard. I want to learn it all right now because I can’t take any more surprises. I hope you all are doing okay. you are all always in my prayers. I know you are all busy, but I would really love to hear from someone as to how you are doing or something. it doesn’t need to be long, just a quick email. I really miss you all.
hermana plummer
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